Parish School of Relgion
PSR (Parish School of Religion) is for students PreK through 6th grade. Our classes typically begin mid to late August and go through the first week of May, running parallel with a traditional school calendar.
We meet on Wednesday nights starting with a family meal in Liguori Hall at 5:30pm. Plates are $2 each. Classes begin at 6:00 o’clock and dismissal is at 7:15.
Registration is always on going. Registration forms are available in the church office, in the back of the church, from the DRE, Kristen L Jones or any Wednesday night of classes. Registration fees are $20 per child or $60 maximum for a family with three or more children. Fees are due at the time of registration.
We currently use the Faith Formation curriculum for grades 1 through 6. Any child needing to receive a sacrament (First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion) MUST ATTEND a full year of class the year prior (1st grade) and a paper copy of the baptismal certificate is required. Traditionally these sacraments are received during the 2nd grade year. However, if a student is beyond 2nd grade and has not received their sacraments, we do all we can to get them prepared and received.
Some of our favorite times are Treats in the school yard in October, Children’s Christmas Eve Mass, a Mardi Gras party before Lent and a Huge Easter egg hunt on Holy Saturday to celebrate our Risen Lord. Each June we also host a week of fun and learning with vacation bible school.
St. Alphonsus strongly believes in our children. They are the future leaders of the church. The ones who will carry on our Catholic faith. Therefore, we invest our time, talents, and treasures into them.
We look forward to having you join us as we grown, learn and love our Lord Jesus and his most Holy Church.